Monday, March 16, 2020

The Greatest Generation essays

The Greatest Generation essays Tom Brokaw has suggested that those who lived through the Great Depression and World War II made up The Greatest Generation to date. I agree, but feel it important to analyze what makes up a Great Generation, to substantiate my opinion. To date, they have been the Greatest Generation because the situation and circumstances they had to respond to required involvement of all people within that generation. It was a generation that distinguished itself from others, by means of total sacrifice, commitment, and belief in their cause. It is important to note that their Greatness was achieved out of necessity, having to respond to a situation, and having to deal with certain circumstances. I feel these men and women could not have distinguished themselves in the same way, had it not been for the exceptional challenges of that era. It is my opinion that each generation has the potential to be as great as is required in given circumstances. Within each generation there are always individuals and groups who are willing, able and eager to strive for greatness of some sort, without there being any need, other than their own fulfillment. These individuals and groups are inspired to seek advancement and greatnes s either for their own sake, or often for the sake of mankind. Whatever their reasons or inspiration, these are the people who historically, have been able to achieve the sort of advancement of greatness that might lead people to conclude that the whole generation was great, and that is not always the case. These are the people who achieve greatness within a generation. They are also very often the people who are most likely to inspire, lead, and involve the other people within that generation, if the circumstances require. In the case of WW II, prime examples would be Eisenhower and Churchill. By this reasoning, the Greatest Generation requires the greatest challenges The gr...

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